Physical Therapy in the real world...please contact Dan for availability of this activity for groups or individuals.

Inclusive Firewood Processing 

Inclusive Firewood Processing - Attic Therapy location - $125/child/visit

• Attic Therapy has constructed equipment to allow inclusion of many ability levels (mobility, strength, cognitive level, sensory awareness, social-emotional ability) in the real world business of firewood production.

• Children and youth participating in this venture will sort, stack, split, and bundle firewood, as well as learn about all aspects of this important resource management process, in a fun and engaging setting, for up to 2 hours at a time (subject to growing stamina).

• The equipment has been extensively tested and adapted to accommodate for many levels of ability, with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment or PPE (provided by Attic Therapy), appropriate adult supervision (provided by you), and a learning curve similar to any job site.

• Children/youth will take the firewood they have processed home, to their communities, where they can choose to use, gift, or even resell it for profit.

• There is a ready-made, experiential learning potential within all the phases of this activity that is well-suited for educators to teach follow up lessons in many core curriculum subjects, for families to engage with at a cultural level, and for children/youth to feel the intrinsic motivation of doing meaningful work that is physically demanding, safe, and within their capability (with careful grading of demands by Attic Therapy).

• Ideally, children/youth who are enrolled in this activity will commit to at least once a month visits throughout the year, but weekly or bi-weekly will provide much better results in terms of allowing them to refine their skills and feel a growing sense of mastery in a marketable skill.

• This challenge is ideally experienced as a group, with 2-5 children/youth, and appropriate supervision provided by your organization.

Attic Therapy's role in this venture is to:

     * teach and support skill-building to all children/youth enrolled, on an individualized basis, using direct coaching, encouragement, and providing accommodations as needed on an ongoing basis

     * ensure that adults who supervise children/youth understand the safety risks and need for PPE, the minimum standards for behaviour and following direction by children/youth, and options for follow up activities or learning goals based on physical and occupational therapy knowledge bases

     * ensure that equipment works, is safe when used as directed, and is used with appropriate safety measures

     * use strategies and tools to help children/youth stay safe, regulated, engaged, and communicative throughout this activity

     * provide debriefing and joint brainstorming upon request to adults who want to follow up or follow through on extended learning or growth opportunities suggested by the experience of processing firewood

Gallery of pictures